PKPBI led by Dr. Syamsudin as the Chief, under the auspices of the Language Development Center began its lecture program on Wednesday, August 21, 2019. There are two kinds of lectures. First is Bahasa Inggris 1 with a load of 3 SKS and scheduled in the morning by each major. Second is Intensive English Program given to 3rd semester students and scheduled at 3 p.m by ELC. The lecture was located in 2 buildings, namely C and D buildings. In this semester, Ibnu Wahyurianto, M.Pd., the leader of the academic division, extended the importance of the program in which as a companion lecture of the regular one focusing on each major’s content, the Intensive English Program tents to be general English for daily activities which adopts acquiring by listening and implementing by speaking. Since it was the first meeting, the lectures only did a class orientation covering the introduction of the syllabus including the objectives, evaluation, teaching-learning agreement, books which will be used and so on. (BPK)