English Language Center (ELC) held a workshop entitled “Pelatihan Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah untuk Jurnal Bereputasi” on August 2 & 8, 2022. The first event was conducted on August 2, 2022, at 08.00 A.M. on the 3rd floor of the Rectorate Building with the speaker Dr. Eric Kunto Aribowo, M.A., and the second event will be presented by Dr. Hj. Rohmani Nur Indah, M.Pd. In front of the audience, Prof. Dr. H. M. Abdul Hamid, M.A., the Director of the Language Center, delivered a welcoming speech and opened the program.
In his speech, Prof. Dr. H.M. Abdul Hamid, M.A, highlighted that lecturer are not only responsible for teaching the students but also should produce some scientific articles published in national or international indexed journals. Furthermore, he remarked that this event was in line with the UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim agenda toward international recognition and reputation (World Class University.), in which one of the ways to support is by publishing articles in well-reputed journals.
The main activity was utilizing Application to support Scientific Article Writing presented by the speaker, Dr. Eric Kunto Aribowo, M.A. and directed by Dr. Agwin Degaf, M.A.; the training was divided into two sessions. In the first session, starting at 09.30-11.30 A.M., the speaker introduced the tool to quickly search targeted articles using Publish or Perish (PoP) software. This Application is used to search metadata (not full text) of scientific papers in all fields, automatically linked to the central database, e.g., Crossref, Google Scholar, PubMed, Scopus, Semantic Scholar, and Web of Science. Besides, the participants studied the strategy and how to search references correctly, export the results, and find the targeted journal.
In the second session, from 12.30-2.00 P.M., the participants were taught how to use Reference Management Software (RMS). The speaker explained that this software could help us save and organize references, give highlights and notes, make citations and the reference automatically and change the citation style easily. One RMS used in this training was Zotero because it had various features, e.g., citing in GoogleDocs, finding full text, integrating Retraction Watch, and using a plug-in.
During the activity, the participants enthusiastically followed the speaker’s instructions and directly applied the materials on their laptops. They never stop asking when they do not understand the explanation, as if they would not waste the chance. Unfortunately, the time was up. Dr. Agwin Degaf, M.A. hoped that from this activity, all lectures could implement their research article project and produce more articles because they had learned the easy way to make them.