standarisasi PKPBI

English Standardization Test was held for all the 4th-semester students taking English II subjects. This test was on June 4, 2022. Due to the pandemic situation, this test was held online.


There are more than 3000 students from 7 faculties joining this test. The test was carried out in three sessions. The first session was from 07.30 – 09.30 for the Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, Faculty of Humanities, and Faculty of Syariah. Then, the second session was from 09.45-11.45 for the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Training and the Faculty of Economics. The last session was from 12.00 – 14.00 for Faculty Psychology dan Faculty of Science and Technology.


The test was conducted successfully as the lecturers are on standby in controlling and guiding the students during the test. This test will be used as the graduation requirement for students. After this test, the student will have a Final test the next week.