Language Center of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang conducted an annual event named Graduation Day 2019. This event as led by Ibnu Wahyurianto, M.Pd. as the coordinator of the committee. It was conducted on October 19, 2019, at 7 a.m. at the sport center building. This was held to celebrate the one-year English program done by ELC with students of the academic year 2018-2019. To begin this event, after the opening of the ceremony reciting the holy Quran and followed with the English tilawah, all of the participants sang the Indonesian national anthem together and continued with a welcome dance and some performances from students. Dr. H. M. Abdul Hamid, the Director of the Language Center, gave a welcoming speech and according to him, this current event was spectacular because it was followed by 2820 students. Next, Prof. Dr. H. Abd. Haris as the Rector of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang gave a speech and he remarked that these graduates have a marvelous English competence because they have learned English intensively for 1 year.

The next activity was the announcement of the best TOEFL achievers and the best faculty graduates delivered by Dr. Syamsudin, the Chief of ELC. Next, the Rector who was accompanied by the Director of Language Center and the Chief of ELC congratulated and delivered trophies to them. The best university graduate was given an opportunity to deliver his speech. Before this event was closed, all of the participants prayed together led by Zainuddin, M.Pd.. Finally, this event was closed with the distribution of the diplomas and academic transcripts to graduates. (BPK)