Every year, PKPBI UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang receives visits from many institutions. Near the end of 2017, on Monday, 18 December 2017, students from SMPN (State Junior High School) 5 Probolinggo visited PKPBI UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang as a part of their field study agenda. Started around 10 a.m., the students and teachers from SMPN 5 Probolinggo was welcomed by Dr. Syamsudin as the head of PKPBI UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Then, the students were engaged in English Fun Time activities led by English Testing Programs division of PKPBI UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. The students played some games and quizzes to learn that learning English is easy and fun. They were very active and looked happy to receive souvenirs during the activities, thanks to Miss Ika who led the games and quizzes very well. Following that, the students were involved in drama performance performed by students of English Department from Faculty of Humanity. The visit ended with great atmosphere and hopefully another planned visit from SMPN 5 Probolinggo next year to UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang could be realized.
1 Comment
Congratulation for the committee….the program is successful…
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